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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

You thought Sochi was bad? Just you wait...

     In case you haven't seen the update trending on Facebook today, preparations in Rio de Janeiro for the 2016 Summer Olympic Games are behind schedule.  Like, really behind schedule.  Like, this is what their main Olympic Park looks like right now:
     Meanwhile, this is what it's supposed to look like finished, just over 2 years from now:
     Seriously, they're that far behind schedule.  John Coates of the IOC was even quoted after his sixth trip to Rio as saying that their preparations are "the worst I've ever experienced" and even worse off than the Greeks leading up to the 2004 Athens Games.  And the IOC isn't the only International Sporting Body on Brasil's case either.  FIFA is expressing exasperation over the country's last-minute scramble to ready everything for the 2014 World Cup.  There are problems with water pollution, the 8-sport Deodoro complex hasn't even broken ground yet, and the Olympic Golf Course has no grass.

     But even with all of the handicaps, Coates has reiterated that the IOC is holstering no plans to pull a last-minute switch, saying "...there is no plan B.  We are going to Rio."  Things may look bleak now, but if Squaw Valley could pull it off 50+ years ago, Rio should be able to do it.  If not, we just might be headed for a second consecutive tin-can Olympics.  I can just see the hashtags now.